As for the rest of this writing, below are some of our favorite quotes (and pictures!) from the weekend, of which I gave context where needed to understand why something was said the way it was said (though mostly, when you're tired and silly, you don't know why you say what you say!)

from The Quote Page
Songwriter's Retreat 2010
Songwriter's Retreat 2010
(before recording a live clap-track for one of our songs)
"Should we clap off-beat on purpose?" Katie
"Should we clap off-beat on purpose?" Katie
"No; that'll happen naturally." Matthew
"They were so few in number but they had so many brains!"
Eric & Matthew
Eric & Matthew

"I'm sorry I screwed it up (meaning the vocals in the song)." Matt
"You didn't screw it up, that's just the way you sing." Abbye
"You didn't screw it up, that's just the way you sing." Abbye
"Abbye, your voice is angelic!" Katie
"Well, it's debatable..." Abbye
"Well, it's debatable..." Abbye

"Don't touch my butt, Katie!"Matthew
"But your butt is just so touchable." Abbye (chiming in)
(Uncomfortable laughter from Matthew)
"Hey, you opened it... the can of worms, I mean, not your butt." Abbye
*Disclaimer: No one touched anyone else's butt. Ever.
"But your butt is just so touchable." Abbye (chiming in)
(Uncomfortable laughter from Matthew)
"Hey, you opened it... the can of worms, I mean, not your butt." Abbye
*Disclaimer: No one touched anyone else's butt. Ever.
(While looking at a picture being drawn)
"Is that Abbye?" Katie
"Um, well, this girl's black..." Eric
"Is that Abbye?" Katie
"Um, well, this girl's black..." Eric
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