Jesus will build his church. This is clear. It has been God's aim from before the foundations of the Earth were set. In a stifling room, confined to a muggy apron, I read with keen eyes and an impassioned heart. Walls within my heart have come down that I didn't know I'd built. Praise God! Life is flowing through my veins and my heart is beating with excitement, my mind races with thoughts much to big to think. God drew near tonight. My heart rejoiced at truths in his Word that speak love loudly. These truths also speak love clearly and simply. Truth leaped from the pages and a renewed vision and purpose welled inside my heart and mind.
Jesus will build his church. My heart stirred in such a way tonight that words merely hint at the joy I am feeling. Caught up in excitement I told myself, "Self, get a tattoo tomorrow morning, lest you forget again what God has placed on your heart." Now, I'm still thinking over the tattoo idea, but the message God placed upon my heart, through his word, is clear and reorienting.
Go, Eric, disciple the nations. These are my people, whom I love. Teach all that I have taught you. Wield the sword of the Spirit mightily, for darkness is dying. My Son will build his church. He will not be stopped. And behold, he is with you ALWAYS, to the end of the age. Pray earnestly that more laborers be sent out into my harvest. Go, my son, go and disciple the nations. Live with eternity in focus, live with this purpose and passion. Eric, these are the things I am passionate about and already at work doing. Join me in this fight of faith. Love me and love my people by going and discipling. Make waves for my Kingdom.
Lord, I echo your saints, if you'll teach me your Word I'll proclaim it for the rest of my days.
This was a significant, sweaty, joyful night!
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