| Brasil - Day 1 |

After an eventful first day of flights, bumpy and winding van rides, and temperature adjustment, we were welcomed to our pousada by the generous staff. Quick snack of fresh guarana juice, nap, lunch, then off to Pão de Açúcar (Sugarloaf Mountain). Pictures do not do any justice to the beauty one drinks in from atop the summit. The glass-paneled cable cars proved nerve-wracking for some, but offered great 360 views of the surrounding city. Knowing that I was peering down at millions of lives being lived out at that very moment was humbling. The church gathering was beautiful; worshiping Jesus with other believers in Portugese continues to expand my view and understanding of how immense He is. Tomorrow begins our vacation Bible school in a favela in Niteroi. Please pray for the little ones and for grace to recognize children as capable of authentic faith. From Brasil, for the glory of God...boa noite.


"The more you see your own flaws and sins, the more precious, electrifying, and amazing God's grace appears to you." -Keller

I am being changed. I can see good fruit that comes only from God. My eyes are more open to my need for Jesus; for God to look upon his righteousness and not my own. Oh what a good God we have. Reading Revelation 5 this morning broke me because I forget that Jesus is the only one worthy enough to open the scroll, and the only one worthy of the affections of my heart. It also brought me great joy to look upon the grace of God, in this exchange, with new eyes of appreciation and awe. He truly does satisfy to the very core if I should only open my eyes. Praise be to the one seated on the throne and to The Lamb who was slain.

awaiting (psalm 22)

My God, where are you in this grief?
I taste unrest, with no relief.

For I am mocked, despised by all,
My faith derided, scorn befalls.

My bones are staring from my chest,
My heart, it melts within my breast.

O you my help and my success,
Have turned your ear in my distress.

We eat and we are satisfied,
Betrothed to you, we are your bride.

Your blood is spilled to make us new,
The curse of sin you did undo.

Praise be to God the righteous one,
We shall proclaim that it is done!